
Starjumpz offers independent services to individuals in addition to services funded through NHS contracts, Social Services, Schools, The Adoption Support Fund, Charities and other organisations.

Our assessments, treatment appointments and therapies are listed below with prices. Not all appointment types and prices are listed here, you can contact us at for more information.

Fees for assessment, treatment and therapy services at Starjumpz

Neurodevelopmental Paediatric Services

Full Paediatric Assessment with Paediatrician an ADOS assessor: £3850 

This is a comprehensive, holistic assessment of your child’s strengths and vulnerabilities which could, if appropriate, lead to a diagnosis of conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The assessment involves analysis of detailed information provided by home and school from questionnaires, rating scales and from any previous medical and therapy reports.

The assessment includes a three and a half hour appointment with a Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician which involves the ADOS-2 being undertaken jointly with specialist Speech and Language Therapist or Clinical Psychologist. It also involves a physical examination and assessment of fine and gross motor skills and the QbCheck screening assessment for ADHD. Following the assessment a detailed report is written which includes recommendations for parents, carers and school staff.

Initial Paediatric Consultation: £1630

This 90-minute consultation with your child aims to explore concerns and give reassurance to parents making further recommendations and signposting to assessments if appropriate. This would be a suitable appointment to explore concerns about developmental progress, behaviour, and/or concerns about possible ASD, ADHD and/or Developmental Coordination Disorder/ Dyspraxia etc. Prior to this appointment  comprehensive background information is gathered.

Usually this appointment would be with the child present. Alternatively it can be carried out as a parent only consultation to allow more discussion time with the Consultant Paediatrician.

The parent only initial consultation can also be offered as an online video link appointment if preferable.

A summary report is provided. The appointment does not include any formal assessment and will not result in a diagnosis.

Rest of Paediatric Assessment: £3195 

This is a two-and-a-half-hour appointment to follow on from a Starjumpz Initial Consultation appointment with the aim of making a diagnosis when appropriate or providing more detail about a child’s individual strengths and weaknesses. A highly specialist speech and language therapist joins the Consultant Paediatrician for part of the appointment. As with the “full assessment” this includes an ADOS-2 (the gold standard assessment for ASD), undertaken and scored jointly (Paediatrician and Speech Therapist), a receptive language assessment and assessment of fine and gross motor skills, physical examination and a QB check when clinically appropriate.

Following this assessment, a detailed comprehensive diagnostic report, including strategies and recommendations is produced.


ADHD Screening Service QbCheck

Qb Check Screening: £380
The QbCheck screening service for ADHD includes a report generated from the test results with clinical observations which can indicate whether a child is likely to meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD. Please note that the QB check alone does not provide a diagnosis of ADHD.
Autism Assessment (ADOS-2) £1025
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition (ADOS-2) is a standardised assessment administered by trained clinicians to evaluate communication skills, social interaction, and imaginative use of materials in individuals who are suspected to be autistic. Please note that a screening does not result in a diagnosis but gives information that can help inform diagnosis and intervention. The appointment will result in a report detailing the findings as well as recommendations of strategies and therapies that can be accessed without a diagnosis.
This appointment is up to 1.5 hours in length with two of our ADOS-2 trained assessors. A range of different activities will be undertaken to elicit different behaviours and responses. These activities are designed to look at communication, social interaction, play and restricted and repetitive behaviours that are directly related to Autism. Responses to activities are scored and give an indication of the possibility of an Autism diagnosis based on real time observations.
Although a stand-alone assessment will not result in an official diagnosis, the information from the ADOS-2 can be used as evidence, alongside information from parents, school, placements, or other medical professionals to inform a diagnosis, if appropriate, from a Paediatrician, Psychiatrist or Clinical Psychologist. The ADOS-2 will demonstrate your child’s strengths and difficulties and allow you to gain a better understanding of your child regarding their behaviour and support needs.

Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration Services

Pre School Assessment: £675

Suitable for pre school children. This appointment would involve an assessment within the clinic lasting one to two hours and include a report highlighting each child’s strengths and challenges observed in the assessment, as well as a summary of findings with recommendations and strategies to help at home.

Full Occupational Therapy assessment: £850

Suitable for all ages from pre-schoolers upwards. Prior to this appointment you will be asked to complete a number of background information forms and questionnaires and to send in copies of any relevant medical or therapy reports. Information will be requested from your child’s school/nursery if appropriate. During the appointment the child will complete standardized assessments for the presenting difficulties, as well as informal discussions and play between your child and therapist, which will be complete by the occupational therapist in a quiet, 1:1 environment.

Following this appointment, the standardised assessments, questionnaires, and rating scales will be scored and a comprehensive report will be compiled highlighting each child’s strengths and challenges. Therapeutic recommendations with management and remedial strategies, and advice for the way forward, will also be outlined.

Occupational Therapy Assessment for Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). £1050

The cost of an assessment for an EHCP reflects the additional time taken to write specific recommendations for each appropriate section of the EHCP. A draft copy of the report will be sent to you. If there are any amendments, the therapist will then be able to make the changes, and the report will be finalised. Following this, any additional time needed to be spent reading other reports, liaising with barristers, adding appendices etc., will be charged an hourly rate.

School Observation or Meeting: £176 for first hour. £88 per hour thereafter

An occupational therapist can complete a school visit to observe your child’s function in school and meet with the teaching staff working with your child. The therapist will then write up the findings in a brief report and share recommendations, accommodations and strategies to support your child’s function within school. Additional travel and mileage costs will be added dependent on the location of the school.

Initial Therapy session: Starjumpz client – £132; Non Starjumpz client – £220

This appointment type is for those commencing their first OT therapy session with Starjumpz. This is a 45 minute session. The therapist will also spend an additional 45 minutes prior to your appointment on preparation, reading and planning for therapy moving forwards. This appointment type is £110 if you have already had an Occupational therapy assessment through Starjumpz, or £200 if you have had an Occupational therapy session elsewhere.

Each session is 45 minutes which includes a handover to parents, as well as the direct therapy. Also included in the cost is the preparation work, the making and collecting of materials, and the writing up of notes.

Any additional time such as meetings, reviews, or calls, will be charged on a pro rata basis.

Speech and Language Therapy Services

Full Speech and Language assessment: £850

Suitable for all ages from pre-schoolers upwards. This assessment could look at several different areas of speech and language, including attention, listening, understanding of language, expressive language and social use of language. It would last between two to three hours within the clinic and a further three to four hours to write up. Included in the report would be details of the difficulties, information on diagnosis, recommendations and strategies to help at home or school. Additional questionnaires could also be used for parents or teachers to fill in. Each assessment is tailored made for each child, so the questionnaire emailed out prior to the assessment is vital information in order to target difficulties specifically.

This assessment would entail carrying out a formal assessment (which one depends on areas being targeted) as well as informal discussions and play between your child and therapist. It can additionally be helpful when seeking support for diagnosis/ information/ update of EHCP.

Speech and Language Assessment for Tribunal: To be quoted

Suitable for all ages; for those needing a report for an EHC Plan or for a tribunal. This assessment would look at all areas of speech and language, including attention, listening, understanding of language, expressive language and social use of language, as well as possibly auditory memory and auditory processing. It would last two to three hours within the clinic and include a report. Included in the report would be details of the difficulties, information on impact to education, specific recommendations of therapy support and intervention and strategies to help at home or school.

Additional visits to current or prospective schools are also possible but would be charged at an additional rate. Likewise, additions to the report advised by a barrister would be charged at an additional rate.

This assessment would entail carrying out formal and informal assessments (which one depends on areas being targeted) as well as informal discussions and play between your child and therapist. Interviews with parents are also included.

Initial therapy session: Starjumpz client – £132; Non Starjumpz client – £220

This appointment type is for those commencing their first SALT therapy session with Starjumpz. This is a 45 minute session. The therapist will also spend an additional 45 minutes prior to your appointment on preparation, reading and planning for therapy moving forwards. This appointment type is £110 if you have already had a Speech and Language assessment through Starjumpz, or £200 if you have had a Speech and Language assessment.

Each session is 45 minutes which includes a handover to parents, as well as the direct therapy. Also included in the cost is the preparation work, the making and collecting of materials, and the writing up of notes. If deemed appropriate, it may be possible for Speech and Language sessions to be carried out via online video linked appointments.

Speech and Language assessment for EHCP application: £1050

The cost of an assessment for an EHCP reflects the additional time taken to write specific recommendations for each, appropriate section of the EHCP. A draft copy of the report will be sent to you. If there are any amendments, the therapist will then be able to make those and the report will be finalised. Following this, any additional time needed to be spent reading other reports, liaising with barristers, adding appendices etc will be charged an hourly rate.

Swallowing assessment: to be quoted

An assessment that is suitable for children and young people of any age who find the mechanics of eating, drinking and swallowing difficult. This assessment will look at oral motor skills and safety mechanisms when eating and drinking. The assessment will last for approximately an hour to an hour and a half and will include a report with suggestions and strategies to support your child. The assessment will entail carrying out different movements and activities, if your child is able to, observing your child eat a variety of different textures and types of food and a discussion with you.

School Observation or Meeting: £176 for first hour. £88 per hour thereafter.

A Speech and Language therapist can complete a school visit to observe your child’s function in school and meet with the teaching staff working with your child. The therapist will then write up the findings in a brief report and share recommendations, accommodations and strategies to support your child’s function within school. Additional travel and mileage costs will be added dependent on the location of the school.

Any additional time such as meetings, reviews, or calls, will be charged on a pro rata basis.


Initial consultation: £176

Neurofeedback is a safe and drug free approach which trains the brain to function more effectively. Following analysis of detailed information provided by parents, this 90 minute consultation is an opportunity to discuss the therapy with our neurofeedback consultant. The discussion will include reviewing the suitability of the treatment for your child and next steps in moving forward with the therapy.

Therapy sessions: £88

Each session is 45 minutes which includes a handover to parents. A full course of neurofeedback includes two sessions per week, over a 10 week period.


Initial Consultation: To be quoted

Our Neurodevelopmental paediatric specialists are very experienced in managing conditions such as cerebral palsy, developmental delay, global and developmental delay, orthopaedic problems, juvenile arthritis, complex disabilities, dyspraxia and postural issues.

This 90 minute appointment will include consultation, observation and informal assessment. There is no report following this appointment, but discussion will include potential treatment strategies for your child and next steps in moving forward with the therapy.

Physiotherapy Assessment: To be quoted

This two to three hour appointment will involve a formal assessment of the child, and due to the complexities of each client’s needs, will be charged on an individual basis. A full report will be provided following the assessment, and include recommendations for treatment and next steps.

Physiotherapy session: £88

Each session is 45 minutes which includes a handover to parents.

Functional Medicine

Initial Consultation: £375

This is a 90 minute appointment with our IFM trained Functional Medicine doctor, Dr Corcoran. It is an in depth consultation to assess the client’s modifiable lifestyle factors and fundamental clinical imbalances through careful history taking, physical examination, and laboratory testing. The Functional Medicine doctor will consider multiple factors, including:

  • Environmental inputs – The air you breathe and the water you drink, the particular diet you eat, the quality of the food available to you, your level of physical activity, and toxic exposures or traumas you have experienced all affect your health.
  • Mind-body connections – Psychological and social factors all can have a profound influence on your health.

Considering these areas helps the Functional Medicine doctor see your health in the context of you as a whole person, not just your physical symptoms. A detailed report with the doctor’s recommendations is generated and supporting patient information is supplied to guide behavior change- at your pace.

Following this assessment you maybe referred to our Clinical Nutritionist to guide you through dietary changes and see the Functional Medicine doctor in 3 months for a follow up and assessment of symptom progression and on going issues.

Follow up appointment with Dr Corcoran: £250

This is a 60 minute appointment with our IFM trained Functional Medicine doctor, Dr Corcoran.

Clinical Nutrition Consultancy

Initial Consultation: £110

This appointment type is with our Nutritionist, Abir. Many families can benefit from personalised nutritional therapy consultations to address the specific nutrition needs of their child and family. Nutritional therapy is the application of nutrition and health science to enable individuals to maximise their health and wellbeing. It is a patient-led, personalised, evidence-based approach to health that is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions as well as those looking to enhance their health and wellbeing. Following analysis of detailed information provided by clients, this 60 minute consultation will include screening for and treatment of problems with gut health, which is especially important for children with Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

Follow up appointment: £85

This appointment type is with our Nutritionist, Abir. Following on from the intial consultation, you may have questions and/or you may want to talk through the treatment without your child present. This 45 minute appointment is available in order to follow up on treatment plans and queries.

Package price: £275

Initial consultation plus two follow up appointments. This package is with our Nutritionist Abir.

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy/Play Therapy

Play Therapy Initial Consultation £135 | Psychotherapy Initial Consultation: £150 ( followed by an assessment if appropriate: £200)

Parents and carers often worry when a child has a problem that causes them to be sad, disruptive, rebellious, unable to cope or inattentive. You may be concerned about a child’s development, or how they are getting along with family, friends and at school. The 90 minute initial consultation is with the child’s carer or carers to discuss the child’s symptoms and presenting behaviours and any helpful background information. A one to two hour home-based assessment of the child or adolescent and their family follows this consultation (£170), which offers an opportunity for the therapist to be introduced to the individual in a familiar environment and for the therapist to observe how the child or adolescent copes within the family, as regards sibling relationships etc. Additional travel and mileage costs will be added dependent on the location of the assessment.

Play Therapy Session £90 | Psychotherapy sessions: £100

Therapy sessions are weekly and last 45 minutes. The child or adolescent will be invited to explore play activities which appeal to them. These could cover a range of activities such as drawing, painting, puppets, role play, stories, simple board games and sand tray (a small sand filled box that uses miniature figures and objects as helpful props to access the individual’s ‘inner world’). Through the use of the arts, activities and in conversation, the therapist, alongside the child or adolescent, will gently encourage the individual to explore and make connections to their feelings in a safe and appropriate way.

Any additional time such as meetings, reviews, or calls, will be charged on a pro rata basis.

Please contact us on 01892 660085 or if you have any queries about these services, or would like to make a booking. We look forward to hearing how we can help.

Please note when making requests that all our clinicians time is chargeable.

Please note that our pricing structures are reviewed yearly, and any changes are implemented as of the January 1st 2021

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